In September 2016, former EMERGE research nurse Polly and I attended the 2nd Global Conference on Emergency Nursing and Trauma Care in Sitges (near Barcelona).
Over 240 abstracts were submitted from 30 countries and we were privileged to be invited to present 3 separate pieces of work. These were: ‘24 hours in A&E: a video analysis of nurses’ clinical and non-clinical task performance during live clinical resuscitation episodes’; ‘It’s a silent leadership’: an interview and questionnaire study investigating staff conceptualisations of leadership during emergency department resuscitation’; ‘Clinical engagement with emergency medicine research’.
The feedback from the international nursing community was overwhelmingly positive. Staff are interested in how our department manages to conduct high-quality research whilst being such a large, busy service. A number of centres from the UK and further afield are particularly interested in our departmental video-audit system. We are currently submitting an article for publication to explain how we achieved this so that other centres can learn from Edinburgh’s model.
This could not have been possible without the continued support from the ED staff who have embraced video-audit and research within the department. Formally, support from the Nursing Directorate, Medic One and the University of Edinburgh made presenting at this conference possible.