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Epilepsy Awareness Purple Day

By March 26, 2018November 14th, 2023No Comments

Epilepsy affects 55,000 people within Scotland which is 1 in 97 people. The condition itself stems from the brain causing repeat and spontaneous seizures. When these unpredictable seizures take place, the person can lose awareness of their surroundings., and need support from those around them at that time.

If you are with someone having a seizure, there are some helpful things you can do, such as:

  • Only move the person if they are a dangerous position e.g. next to a road
  • Place a cushion under their head if they are on hard ground
  • Put them into the recovery position once the convulsions have stopped
  • Loosen tight clothing around the neck to encourage easier breathing
  • Calmly speak to the person whilst they are recovering consciousness
  • Try and keep a record of the time the seizure starts and finishes
  • Do not give them any food or drink until they have fully recovered

When to call the ambulance:

  • If the seizures lasts for more than 5 minutes
  • You know that it is the first time someone has had a seizure
  • The person is seriously injured during the seizure
  • The person doesn’t regain full consciousness

If you are a health professional and would like more information or training on how to support people with epilepsy, then below are a few links to resources, information and training for clinicians.

Epilepsy Action website resource:

Scottish Paediatric Epilepsy Network (SPEN):


Epilepsy Scotland:

Scottish Epilepsy Centre: