Dr Krishna Murthy
Consultant in Emergency Medicine
Krishna Murthy trained in Emergency Medicine in South East Scotland having graduated from Edinburgh University Medical School in 2004. He was appointed to a substantive Consultant post in 2013 and divides his clinical practice between adults at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary and paediatrics at the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People.
He has a special interest in the management of orthopaedic presentations in the Emergency Department and develops our local protocols for this as well as sedations practices. He has represented Emergency Medicine on the National Hip Fracture Audit Steering Group for several years and represents South East Scotland on the Board of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine Scotland, currently in his second term.
Krishna has been an ATLS instructor for over 10 years and is an examiner for the Royal College of Emergency Medicine. He enjoys teaching doctors and allied health professional of all grades. He continues to support the activities of the MEDIC 1 pre-hospital service locally. When not at work he enjoys snowboarding and being a father and husband to his to his loving family.