The EMERGE team has halted our normal research activity, and is now collaborating with specialties and services across NHS Lothian to run a series of COVID-19 research studies and trials, under the collective term the ‘COVID-19 Research Group’.
To read about our current research efforts, click here to read our latest Newsletter.
To learn more about the RECOVERY Trial visit
I would like to acknowledge – Infectious diseases, Intensive care, Respiratory, the wards that are now acting as COVID-19 care wards, the Emergency department, ACCORD, the Labs, Pharmacy, Finance. Across the WGH, SJH and the RIE. Through real and meaningful team work, from all staff, some leading, and some following, we are now actively recruiting participants to these important projects.
Patients now have an opportunity to participate if they meet the required eligibility criteria. Please note: all research is optional and carefully considered.
Special thanks to Daysix web designers for donating the logo for this newly and rapidly established team.
Thank you for all your support,
Research Manager
0131 242 3857