LACunar Intervention Trial-3 (LACI-3): Assessment of efficacy and safety of cilostazol and isosorbide mononitrate to prevent adverse outcomes in patients with cerebral small vessel disease (lacunar) ischaemic stroke

LACI-3 is a phase III trial which will evaluate the long-term effects of cilostazol and isosorbide mononitrate (ISMN) in preventing adverse outcomes following lacunar stroke and progression of cerebral small vessel disease (SVD). LACI-3 is the only Phase 3 Trial in lacunar stroke, or Small Vessel Disease, or vascular cognitive impairment, in the world, and is being done with Scientific Advice from the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency.

Status: coming-soon

Start Date

August 2020

Coordinated by

Anuka Boldbaatar

Main Trial Site

Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh