The Philosophy of EMERGE
The Emergency Department at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh is committed to providing the highest quality evidence-based care to all patients attending the department.
With this aim, research activity (along with audit) is seen as integral to improving patient care.
It is well established that hospitals that have flourishing research programmes provide better clinical care to their patients. In EMERGE we aim to provide every patient attending the Emergency Department, the opportunity to take part in clinical research where available.
EMERGE strongly believe that research should be seen as part of providing excellent clinical care to all of our patients.
Let’s make research part of usual clinical care
Our three aims
The Emergency Medicine Research Group Edinburgh (EMERGE) has been established with three related aims:
To support the individual researcher and project, in order to improve the quality of the research, audit or service improvement,
To co-ordinate the departmental research activity, in order to facilitate and optimise research and minimise disruption to normal clinical practice,
To raise the local and national profile of Emergency Medicine research.
How we’ll do it
These aims will be achieved by:
Providing researchers with guidance and information on research processes, from research idea to implementation,
Raising awareness of research amongst clinical staff, Ensuring training in Good Clinical Practice and other research related procedures,
Regularly reviewing impact of research activity and provision of up-dates on progress (meetings/newsletter),
Maintaining a Research Register to record & co-ordinate research activity.