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  1. M Reed. STARS Syncope Healthcare Pioneer 2023 – RASCL


  1. M Reed. Supervisor, Best free paper, RCEM Scottish Clinical EM conference 2021
  2. M Reed. STARS Syncope Healthcare Pioneer – Ambulatory clinic 2021


  1. M Reed. Chief Investigator, Best free paper, RCEM Scottish Clinical EM conference 2019


  1. R O’Brien. Research Nurse of the Year, SRNCN Nov 2018
  2. Reed MJ. Best free paper presentation, RCEM Scottish Clinical EM conference  2018
  3. Reed MJ, Supervisor, Best student presentation, RCEM Scottish Clinical EM conference 2018


  1. Halbesma N. Poster prize for “The effect of social deprivation on Incidence and outcome of OHCA” Administrative Data Research Network, Edinburgh June 2017
  2. Odam M. Research Nurse of the Year, SRNCN Nov 2017
  3. O’Brien R. Medic 1 £200 and SRNCN £150 for RCEM 2017
  4. Odam M. Elsie Ingles/ELHF £240 and SRNCN £150 for RCEM 2017
  5. Odam M. Scottish Research Nurse of the Year 2017, Scottish Research Nurse & Collaborators Network (SRNCN)
  6. Summers A, Reed MJ. How Smart is Smartphone Health?, NHS Lothian R&D Conference, Edinburgh, 10th March 2017 – Winner – Best Poster ‘Peoples’ Choice’


  1. Morrissey, M MPH Study R&D Clinical Research Nurse post graduate support scheme Apr 2016 £2,000
  2. Odam, M & Richardson, R Sachibondu Assessment, Zambia Medic One May 2016 £1,500
  3. Odam, M Emergency Triage & Assessment Training (ETAT) Nursing Directorate, NHS Lothian Aug 2016 £602
  4. MacInnes L. Personal Tutor of the Year 2016, University of Edinburgh / South East Scotland Faculty of Clinical Educators, awarded at SEFCE conference November 2016
  5. McMahon N, Reed MJ, Glover A, Byrne L, Donald M, Hughes N, Littlewood N, Garret J, Innes C, McGarvey M, Hazra E, Rawlinson S. Bleeding Together? Experience of Implementing a National Code Red Protocol, Retrieval Conference, Glasgow, 7th May 2016 – Winner – Best Poster
  6. Westquarter Primary School, Scottish First Aid, First Class Award for work with Save a Life for Scotland, November 2016
  7. Simpson K. Hypothermia Post Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest – A Research Critique, RCN International Nursing Conference, Edinburgh, April 2016 – Winner of Poster of the Day


  1. O’Brien R, Black P. Emergency Department Research Nursing: Time and Motion – A Pilot Study, RCN International Research Conference, Nottingham, April 2015 – Winner of Poster of the Day
  2. Reed MJ Co-author ‘Highly Commended’ poster prize – SCAS 2015
  3. Reed MJ Co-author in paper abstract awarded ‘Top New Investigator Award’ at CAEP 2015

Prior to 2015

  1. Lyon R. European Resuscitation Council, Young Researcher of the Year Award, 2nd
  2. Lyon R. Rod Little Prize, College of Emergency Medicine.
  3. Lyon R. Best Trainee Research Award, College of Emergency Medicine.
  4. Lyon R. Final shortlist – BMJ Group Junior Doctor of the Year Award.
  5. Lyon R. Best Research Presentation, Inaugural Scientific Meeting of Scottish Board of the College of Emergency Medicine.
  6. Murray D. Alison Gourdie Memorial Prize, College of Emergency Medicine.
  7. Robinson S. Rod Little Prize, College of Emergency Medicine, September 2010