- Reed MJ. Opportunities to get involved with research. Presentation to RCEM Annual Scientific Conference, Gateshead 2024
- Goodacre S, Thokala P, Cooper G, Reed MJ et al 2615 Decision-analytic modelling of strategies for investigating suspected acute aortic syndrome; oral presentation to RCEM Annual Scientific Conference, Gateshead 2024
- Wren J, Goodacre S, Pandor A, Reed MJ et al 2553 Diagnostic accuracy of alternative biomarkers for acute aortic syndrome: a systematic review; oral presentation to RCEM Annual Scientific Conference, Gateshead 2024
- Pearsons A, Reed MJ, Hanson C, et al. 2719 Usability and acceptability of ambulatory ECG monitoring in undiagnosed syncope: Insights from the ASPIRED-Q qualitative study; oral presentation to RCEM Annual Scientific Conference, Gateshead 2024
- Blayney M, Masterson J, Reed MJ, Lone N. Multimorbidity and adverse outcomes in the Emergency Department: a cohort study. Poster presentation to ICEM 2023
- Blayney M, Masterson J, Reed MJ, Lone N. Multimorbidity and adverse outcomes in the Emergency Department: a cohort study. RCEM lightning oral presentation to RCEM Annual Scientific Conference, Glasgow 2023
- Tabner A, Reed MJ et al. Metoclopramide for analgesia in renal colic – a systematic review. RCEM Moderated oral presentation session at RCEM Annual Scientific Conference, Glasgow 2023
- Chatha R, Roy S, Reed MJ. The EDUCATe Study: A Mixed Method Study Investigating the Effect that Emergency Department (ED) Crowding has on Training. RCEM Lightning oral presentation, RCEM Annual Scientific Conference 2023
- Reed MJ on behalf of the Scottish Transfusion and Laboratory Support in Trauma Code Red Audit Group. Changes in transfusion practice in Scotland between June 2013 and December 2019. Emergency Medicine Journal 2022; 39: 960–992: Oral Presentation RCEM ASC 2022
- Reed MJ on behalf of the Scottish Transfusion and Laboratory Support in Trauma Code Red Audit Group. Changes in transfusion practice in Scotland between June 2013 and December 2019. Emergency Medicine Journal 2022; 39: 960–992: Oral Presentation RCEM ASC 2022
- McLatchie R, Wilson S, Reed MJ, Ticehurst F, Easterford K, Alawiye S, Cowan A, Gupta A, on behalf of the Aortic Dissection Diagnosis Research Group. Why do Emergency Department Clinicians Miss Acute Aortic Syndrome? A Case Series and Descriptive Analysis. Oral Presentation RCEM ASC 2022 – Winner of Rod Little Prize
- Boyle J, McLatchie R, Alawiye S, Gupta A, Cowan A, Easterford K, Reed MJ. Acute Aortic Syndrome (AAS) in NHS Lothian: a local retrospective case note review; Oral Presentation RCEM Scottish Conference 2022.
- Archibald R, Seberiakoff P, McLay H, Reed MJ, Innes C, Moncur L, Thomson A, Lyon Pre-hospital blood transfusions by Edinburgh’s Medic One service – the first four years; Oral Presentation EUSEM 2021
- Biggers R, McIvor A, Wojtowicz M, Thethy I, Reed MJ. Improving diagnosis and appropriate specialty referral with a syncope pathway. RCEM Annual Scientific Conference October 2021.
- Stanley AK, Barnett-Vanes A, Reed MJ. Peripheral Intravenous Cannula Usage in the Emergency Department. Oral presentation to MedAll ‘Sustainability in Healthcare’ international conference; March 2021.
- Callisto E, Costantino G, Tabner A, Kerslake D, Reed MJ. The clinical effectiveness of the STUMBL score for the management of ED patients with blunt chest trauma compared to clinical evaluation alone has been accepted for oral presentation. Winning oral presentation to Scottish RCEM conference May 2021.
- Reed MJ, Lowe D, Kuziemski K, Dursun A, Özgül K, Förster TM, Zülbahar S, Cozma C, Giannattasio G, Crocetta D, Skrahina V. Hereditary angioedema: quo vadis? Implementation of a novel DBS-based methodology to diagnose hereditary angioedema in subjects with recurrent abdominal pain of unclear etiology – the international EHA study. Oral abstract presentation to European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) 6-8 June 2020, London.
- Reed MJ, Grubb NR, Lang CC, O’Brien R, Simpson K, Padarenga M, Grant A, Tuck S, Keating L, Coffey F, Jones L, Harris T, Lloyd G, Gagg J, Smith JE, Coats T. ‘For how long should we monitor ED palpitation patients in the outpatient setting?’ Oral presentation to RCEM ASC 2019 Gateshead; https://emj.bmj.com/content/36/12/787.2
- Reed MJ, Grubb NR, Lang CC, O’Brien R, Simpson K, Padarenga M, Grant A, Tuck S, Keating L, Coffey F, Jones L, Harris T, Lloyd G, Gagg J, Smith JE, Coats T. ‘Clinician prediction of cardiac arrhythmia in patients presenting to the ED with palpitation or pre-syncope’. Oral presentation to RCEM ASC 2019 Gateshead; https://emj.bmj.com/content/36/12/783.2
- Dear J, The POP Trial Investigators. PP100-01 (calmangafodipir) for overdose of paracetamol (The POP trial): Principal results. Oral presentation to The International Liver Conference, April 2019, Vienna Austria
- Reed MJ, Grubb NR, Lang CC, O’Brien R, Simpson K, Padarenga M, Grant A, Tuck S, Keating L, Coffey F, Jones L, Harris T, Lloyd G, Gagg J, Smith JE, Coats T. The IPED (Investigation of Palpitations in the ED) study. Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, Las Vegas US, May 2019
- Reed MJ, Cooke C, McMahon N, Hands K, Henderson S, Knight E, Littlewood NK, Latif M, Tod N, McGarvey M, Hughes N, Donald M, Rowley M, Innes C, Lockhart S on behalf of the Scottish Transfusion and Laboratory Support in Trauma Group. Scottish Code Red Audit 2015- 2017. Oral presentation to Retrieval Conference, Glasgow May 2019
- Reed MJ, Grubb NR, Lang CC, O’Brien R, Simpson K, Padarenga M, Grant A, Tuck S, Keating L, Coffey F, Jones L, Harris T, Lloyd G, Gagg J, Smith JE, Coats T. The IPED (Investigation of Palpitations in the ED) study. Scottish EM Clinical Conference, Glasgow, May 2019.
- Reed MJ, Grubb NR, Lang CC, O’Brien R, Simpson K, Padarenga M, Grant A, Tuck S, Keating L, Coffey F, Jones L, Harris T, Lloyd G, Gagg J, Smith JE, Coats T. The IPED (Investigation of Palpitations in the ED) study. NHS Lothian R&D Conference, Edinburgh, March 2019.
- Reed MJ, Cooke C, McMahon N, Hands K, Henderson S, Hazra E, Littlewood N, Latif M, Todd N, McGarvey M, Hughes N, Donald M, Rowley M, Innes C, Lockhart S. Scottish Code Red Audit Report 2015-2017. Scottish EM Clinical Conference, Glasgow, May 2019.
- Reed MJ, Grubb NR, Lang CC, O’Brien R, Simpson K, Padarenga M, Grant A, Tuck S, Coffey F, Jones L, Harris T, Lloyd G, Gagg J, Smith JE, Coats T. Multi-centre randomised controlled trial of a smartphone-based event recorder alongside standard care versus standard care for patients presenting to the ED with palpitations and pre-syncope: the IPED (Investigation of Palpitations in the ED) study. EMERGE10 conference, Edinburgh 2018.
- Dipaola F, Pivetta E, Costantino G, Casazza G, Reed MJ, Sun B, Solbiati M, Barbic F, Shiffer D, Sheldon R, Furlan R. Is hospital admission useful for syncope patients? Preliminary results of a multicentre cohort. Tiguillio Cardio Conference, Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy
- Reed MJ, GrubbNJ, Lang CC, Gray AJ, Simpson K, MaCraild AJ, Weir Diagnostic yield of an ambulatory patch monitor in patients with unexplained syncope after initial evaluation in the ED: The PATCH-ED study. Scottish EM Clinical Conference, Edinburgh 2018.
- Reed MJ, Dauncey S, Timony-Nolan E, MacRaild A, Innes C, Allen JMM, Williams MJ, Church N, Dunn MJG, Nimmo A. Introduction of ROTEM SIGMA to the RIE ED and assessment of a novel bleeding protocol. Scottish EM Clinical Conference, Edinburgh 2018.
- Brutin H, Reed MJ, GrubbNJ, Lang CC, Gray AJ, Simpson K, MaCraild AJ, Weir Brain natriuretic peptide and high sensitive troponin at 3 hours post Emergency Department attendance with unexplained syncope predict all serious outcomes and significant arrhythmias at 90 days. Scottish EM Clinical Conference, Edinburgh 2018.
- Reed MJ. ESC guideline launch lecture: Management of syncope in the emergency department based on risk stratification. European Heart Rhythm Association Congress, Barcelona 2018.
- Brutin H, Reed MJ, Grubb NJ, Lang CC, Gray AJ, Simpson K, MacRaild AJ, Weir CJ. Brain natriuretic peptide and high sensitive troponin at 3 hours post Emergency Department attendance with unexplained syncope predict all serious outcomes and significant arrhythmias at 90 days. Scottish EM Clinical Conference, Edinburgh, May 2018.
- Grahamslaw J, PATCH study. Research Nurse Open Day, January 2018
- Skyrme L, Harrison B, Reed MJ. Survey of Emergency Doctors and Nurses views towards monitoring vital signs in the Emergency Department. Presentation to TSEM 2017
- Lloyd A. From the sim world to the real world: video recording emergency department trauma, 18th International Trauma Care Conference, Staffordshire, 17th March 2017
- O’Brien R. Perceptions of Research and Research Nurses. Scottish Research Nurse & Coordinators’ Network conference (SRNCN), Dundee, 17th March 2017
- O’Brien R. The Rapid-CTCA Trial. NIHR CRN Cardiovascular Group South London Meeting, March 2017
- Grahamslaw J, PATCH study. ED at the Front Door, 31st May 2017
- Gray AJ. An update on research evidence on CTCA in chest pain assessment, RAPID-CTCA investigator meeting, Oct 2017.
- Gray AJ. EMERGE: Inaugural Acute Care Group Usher Institute meeting, Nov 2017.
- Gray AJ. Introduction for EMeRGE research work session at RIE. Medicine at the Front door, May 2017
- Halbesma N. The effect of social deprivation on Incidence and outcome of OHCA. Administrative Data Research Network, Edinburgh June 2017
- Lyon R. Pre-hospital transfusion of packed red blood cells over one year by the Edinburgh Medic One pre-hospital care service. Retrieval Conference, Glasgow 2017
- Lyon R. Is it time to RSI: an analysis of the impact ground ambulance crews can have prior to HEMS arrival on time to RSI. Retrieval Conference, Glasgow 2017
- Lyon R. RSI times in a semi-rural UK HEMS service. Retrieval Conference, Glasgow 2017
- Lyon R. A review of HEMS interventions in reported traumatic cardiac arrests. Retrieval Conference, Glasgow 2017
- Lyon R. Frequency of vaso-active head injuries in a UK HEMS service. Retrieval Conference, Glasgow 2017
- MacRaild A. PATCH-ED results presentation. NHS Lothian Research Nurse Forum
- MacRaild A. Research Nurse Role presentation. NHS Lothian Research Open Day
- O’Brien R. Perceptions of Research in EM. Medicine at the Front Door, Chancellors Building at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
- Prior F. Prior Hypothesis at the Chancellors Building at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. Edinburgh Conversation 17thNovember 2017
- Skyrme L, Harrison B, Reed MJ. Survey of Emergency Doctors and Nurses views towards monitoring vital signs in the Emergency Department. Presentation to TSEM 2017
- Reed MJ, Gibson L, Black P, Dewar A, Clegg GR, Short S. The Paramedic Ultrasound in Cardiac Arrest (PUCA) Study. Oral presentation to RCEM Conference, Bournemouth 2016
- Reed MJ, Alison Glover, Lauren Byrne, Niall McMahon, Michael Donald, Neil Hughes, Nicola Littlewood, Justin Garret, Catherine Innes, Margaret McGarvey, Eleanor Hazra, Sam Rawlinson. National Code Red Audit, RCEM Scottish Conference, Glasgow 2016
- Reed MJ, Alison Glover, Lauren Byrne, Niall McMahon, Michael Donald, Neil Hughes, Nicola Littlewood, Justin Garret, Catherine Innes, Margaret McGarvey, Eleanor Hazra, Sam Rawlinson. National Code Red Audit, Scotblood Annual Conference, Stirling University 2016
- Gray AJ. RAPID-CTCA trial, RAPID-CTCA Investigators’ Meeting, Manchester, March 2016
- Gray AJ. delivered by Teodora Filipescu, Health Education in the ED, SCEM, Annual Clinical Meeting, Glasgow, May 2016
- Gray AJ. delivered by Gabrielle Clark, AHFS in the ED, SCEM, Annual Clinical Meeting, Glasgow, May 2016
- MacRaild A. We need to talk about research…MoE Emerges in the ED, Monthly research seminar for RIE Geriatric Medicine, Edinburgh 2016
- O’Brien R, Oatey K. The complexities of setting up a multi-centre research project, RAPID-CTCA Investigators’ Meeting, Manchester, March 2016
- Prior F. The Prior Hypothesis, Professor Simon Walker and the Clinical Chemistry Dept., May 2016
- Clark G. AHFS in the ED. SCEM, annual clinical meeting, Glasgow, May 2016
- FILIPESCU T. Health Education in the ED. SCEM, annual clinical meeting, Glasgow, May 2016
- Gray A. RAPID-CTCA trial, RAPID-CTCA investigators meeting, Manchester Mar 2016
- Lloyd A. 24 hours in A&E: A video analysis of nurses’ clinical and non-clinical task performance during live clinical resuscitation episodes, 2nd Global Conference on Emergency Nursing & Trauma Care, Sitges, 22nd – 24th September 2016
- Lloyd A. ‘It’s a silent leadership’: An interview and questionnaire study investigating staff conceptualisations of leadership during emergency department resuscitation, 2nd Global Conference on Emergency Nursing & Trauma Care, Sitges, 22nd – 24th September 2016
- Lyon RM. Insertion of an open-ended 14-gauge catheter through the chest wall causes a significant pneumothorax in a self-ventilating swine model. ISICEM, Brussels, 15th-18th March 2016.
- MacInnes L. Live Video Streaming, Annual Scottish Telehealth and Telecare Conference, Edinburgh, May 2016
- MacInnes L. Save a Life for Scotland, Scottish Learning Festival, Glasgow, September 2016
- MacRaild A. We need to talk about research… MoE emerges in the ED, Geriatric Emergency Medicine Series, Edinburgh, 7thApril 2016
- Marzuki E. Communication as a make or break factor in resuscitations of out-of-hospital-cardiac-arrest, 49th Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL) Conference, Cambridge, 1st-3rd September 2016
- Prior F. The Prior Hypothesis. EMERGE/RRG Annual Meeting, Edinburgh, 25th November 2016
- Reed MJ, Gibson L, Black P, Dewar A, Clegg GR, Short S. Paramedic Ultrasound in Cardiac Arrest (PUCA) Study, Royal College of Emergency Medicine Conference, Bournemouth, 20th-22nd September 2016
- Reed MJ, Glover A, Byrne L, McMahon N, Donald M, Hughes N, Littlewood N, Garret J, Innes C, McGarvey M, Hazra E, Rawlinson S. National Code Red Audit, Scottish Clinical Conference on Emergency Medicine, Glasgow, 11th May 2016
- Reed MJ, Glover A, Byrne L, McMahon N, Donald M, Hughes N, Littlewood N, Garret J, Innes C, McGarvey M, Hazra E, Rawlinson S. National Code Red Audit, Scotblood conference, Stirling, 2nd-3rd June 2016
- Reed MJ,O’Neill. Troponin use in ED Syncope. Oral presentation to RCEM Conference, Manchester 2015.
- Thiruganasambandamoorthy V, Ramaekers R, Rahman, Stiell IG, Turner L, Sikora L, Kelly S-L, Christ M, Claret P-G, Reed MJ. Prognostic Value of Cardiac Biomarkers in the Risk-Stratification of Syncope – A Systematic Review. CAEP 2015
- Gallagher BM. EMERGE, E-FIT1 Investigators’ Meeting, London, November 2015
- MacRaild A, Steven J. EMERGE ‘Embryo’ 4AT sub-study proposal, EMERGE Annual Meeting, Edinburgh, November 2015
- Prior F. ERI Developments in Pulse Reverse Osmosis, Resuscitation Research Group, July 2015
- Prior F. The Prior Hypothesis, Queen’s Medical Research Institute, September 2015
- Preston H, Reed MJ, Collins A, Connolly J. Impact of an Echocardiography in Life Support Emergency Department training programme on the management of cardiac arrest. Oral pres. to SCEM Conference, Glasgow 2014.
- Louise-Kelly S, Reed MJ, Innes CJ. Young blood – does it make any difference? An analysis of red cell unit age and patient outcome in a large UK Emergency Department. Oral presentation to SCEM Conference, Glasgow 2014.
- Reed MJ, Lua S, Young IA. Uncontrolled (Category 2) Organ Donation after Circulatory Death (DCD): A One Year Review of Donor Potential. Oral presentation to SCEM Conference, Glasgow 2014.
- Gowrie G, Reed MJ, Innes CJ. Waste it once…pay for it twice – An analysis of discarded red cell units in a large UK Emergency Department. Oral presentation to SCEM Conference, Glasgow 2014.
- D’Ascenzo F, Cerrato E, Biondi-Zoccai G, Omedè P, Sciuto F, Presutti DG, Quadri G, Raff GL, Goldstein JA, Litt H, Frati G, Reed MJ, Moretti C, Gaita F. Coronary computed tomographic angiography for detection of coronary artery disease in patients presenting to the ED with chest pain: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. GISE Congress, Genova 2012.
- D’Ascenzo F, Biondi-Zoccai G, Moretti C, Bollati M, Omedè P, Sciuto F, Modena MG, Gasparini M, Reed MJ, Sheiban I, Gaita F. TIMI, GRACE and alternative risk scores in Acute Coronary Syndromes: meta-analysis of 40 derivation studies on 216552 patients and of 42 validation studies on 31625 patients. Acute Cardiac Care Congress. Istanbul, 2012.
- D’Ascenzo F, Biondi-Zoccai G, Reed MJ, Gabayan GZ, Suzuki M, Costantino G, Furlan R, Del Rosso A, Sarasin FP, Sun BC, Modena MG, Gaita F. Incidence, etiology and predictors of adverse outcomes in 43315 patients presenting to the Emergency Department with syncope: an international meta-analysis. Acute Cardiac Care Congress. Istanbul 2012.
- Henderson SS, Reed MJ, Newby DE, Gray AJ. One-year prognosis after syncope and the failure of the ROSE decision instrument to predict 1 year adverse events. Rod Little Prize presentation to CEM Scientific Meeting, Gateshead 2011.
- Neffendorf AE, Reed MJ. The Detection of Early Untreated Coagulopathy in the ED (DEUCE) study: Is ROTEM a surrogate for the laboratory? Best oral presentation to the National Student Trauma Conference, Edinburgh 2011.
- Reed MJ, Newby DE, Coull AJ, Jacques KG, Prescott RJ, Gray AJ. Risk stratification Of Syncope in the Emergency department: The ROSE study. Oral presentation to ICEM, Singapore 2010.
- Middleton S, Hunter N, McRoberts R. The effectiveness of patient self-assessment forms at increasing emergency department efficiency. Oral presentation to CEM, Birmingham Conference, September 2010.
- Reed MJ, Newby DE, Coull AJ, Jacques KG, Prescott RJ, Gray AJ. Risk stratification of Syncope in the Emergency department: The ROSE study. Oral presentation to ICEM, Singapore, June 2010
- Robinson S, Leonard P. Is the Diagnostic Value of Either ESR or CRP sufficient to Exclude the Need to Measure Both in Paediatric Patients Presenting with Non-Traumatic Limb Pain? College of Emergency Medicine, Birmingham, September 2010.
- Lyon RM. The TOPCAT study. European Resuscitation Council congress, Porto, Portugal, December 2010.
- Lyon RM. Improving quality of pre-hospital resuscitation through wireless data transmission, feedback and targeted education. European Resuscitation Council congress, Porto, Portugal, December 2010.
- Lyon RM. Systemic inflammation at 24-hours predicts outcome in patients after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest treated with therapeutic hypothermia. European Resuscitation Council congress, Porto, Portugal, December 2010.
- Lyon RM. Improving survival from cardiac arrest. Cross Party Group, The Scottish Government, September 2010.
- Lyon RM. Temperature post out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit Group, Stirling, September 2010.
- Lyon RM. Early in-hospital physiology following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Oral presentation to ICEM, Singapore, June 2010.
- Lyon RM. Improving quality of pre-hospital CPR. Oral presentation to ICEM, Singapore, June 2010.
- Lyon RM. Aeromedical Services in Norway. Scottish Ambulance Service National Air Procurement Board, April 2010.
- Lyon RM. Temperature post out-of-hospital cardiac arrest – the TOPCAT study. Oral presentation to the Scottish College of Emergency Medicine meeting, Stirling, Scotland, March 2010.
- Lyon RM. Early in-hospital physiology of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Oral presentation to the Scottish College of Emergency Medicine meeting, Stirling, Scotland, March 2010.
- Enright K. Critical Care in the Emergency Department. Oral presentation to the Scottish College of Emergency Medicine meeting, Stirling, Scotland, March 2010.
- Skinner J et al.‘Trochars no more’; addressing National skills needs through shared e-learning resources. AMEE, September 2010.
- Moyes J, Findlay B, Skinner J. Does introduction of a ‘buddy’ in the early years promote ward based learning? A qualitative study. AMEE, September 2010.
- Findlay B, Skinner J, Moyes J. Peer assisted mentoring; a novel approach to the reflective aspects of the cleanliness champions programme. AMEE, September 2010.
- Wallace L, Fleming K, Mcglaughlin C, Skinner J. Simulating practice: working together to develop learning resources on Emergency and Trauma care. Higher Education Academy, March 2010.
- Reed MJ, Newby DE, Coull AJ, Jacques KG, Prescott RJ, Gray AJ. Risk stratification Of Syncope in the Emergency department: The ROSE study. Oral presentation to 5th Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress. Valencia 2009.
- Reed MJ, Newby DE, Coull AJ, Jacques KG, Prescott RJ, Gray AJ. Risk stratification Of Syncope in the Emergency department: The ROSE study. Oral presentation to College of Emergency Medicine Spring Scientific Meeting; Brighton 2009.
- Reed MJ. Syncope, the ED and the ROSE study. Presentation to the Futures of Academic Medics in Edinburgh 2008.
- Bonney ME, Reed MJ, Gray AJ. Can heart rate variability predict risk and determine underlying cause in patients presenting to the emergency department with syncope? CEM Autumn Scientific Meeting, Dublin 2008.
Previous to 2008
- Reed MJ, Newby DE, Coull AJ, Jacques KG, Prescott RJ, Gray AJ. Near-patient BNP is able to predict three-month serious outcome in adult syncope patients presenting to the Emergency Department. 4th Mediterranean EM Congress. Sorrento 2007.
- Reed MJ, Newby DE, Coull AJ, Jacques KG, Prescott RJ, Gray AJ. The Risk stratification Of Syncope in the Emergency department (ROSE) pilot study. Oral presentation to CEM conference, London 2006
- Reed MJ, Browning JG, Wilkinson AG, Beattie T. Can we abolish skull x-rays for head injury in children? BAEM 2004
- Reed MJ. Is the ‘LEMON law’ a useful emergency airway assessment tool? 2nd Mediterranean EM Congress. 2003
- Reed MJ, Rennie LM, Dunn MJG, Gray AJ, Robertson CE, McKeown DW. Emergency Resuscitation Room patients – Do they really have difficult airways? 2nd Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress. Sitges 2003. Top 50 oral presentations.
- Reed MJ, Rennie LM, Dunn MJG, Gray AJ, Robertson CE, McKeown DW. Is the ‘LEMON’ method a useful emergency airway assessment tool? FAEM 10th Anniversary Scientific Meeting. London 2003