If you are interested in discussing nursing research opportunities with EMERGE please get in touch via the ‘Contact’ link on our home page.
Tricia’s Undergraduate Nursing Experience with EMERGE
My name is Trisha Jeram and I am a student nurse. My first encounter with EMERGE was as an Emergency Department (ED) receptionist when I helped to insert study information cards for SALI into poly pockets ready for triage nurses. In a busy, fast-paced and stressful environment like the ED, I quickly noticed that the EMERGE nurses appeared calm, friendly, happy and content in their roles. Out of curiosity I approached them and asked what research nurses did and if I could volunteer with them. In addition to granting my request, I was offered admin shifts! I fell in love with the team. Recently I was privileged to go on a 3 week student placement with EMERGE. As I shadowed the team and their work of recruiting patient participants to clinical trials based on excellent high-quality research ethics and governance, I came to appreciate more about these unsung heroes who tirelessly contribute to improving clinical standards in the NHS. I thoroughly enjoyed my placement and I am thankful to Miranda Odam, Adam Lloyd and everyone who made this placement possible.