EMERGE have a Patient Representative Group comprising of patient and relative representatives who help review and support research projects. It is very important to us that the research we conduct reflects the hopes and expectations of the communities within which we serve. This feedback helps inform us to make positive decisions for how research operates and give us the opportunity to change practice. We believe that offering people the opportunity to participate in research is imperative.
The researchers are looking for the ‘patient’ perspective on projects and ideas that would make them more valuable to the public. There are a variety of different ways to get involved ranging from reading research documents that patients’ see and give feedback on the language, to actively being involved in the design. Patient Representatives are asked to review patient information leaflets or give opinions on current research topics. This can be done via email or post throughout the year. There is also the option of video calls and if appropriate meeting face to face. We also have Patient Representatives who sit on our research Trial Steering Committees which allows us to have ‘patient’ perspective on the research we conduct from the beginning to the end of a study.
Anyone can be a Patient Representative. Previous experience in medicine, healthcare or patient and public involvement is not required to be part of this group but please contact us if you are interested in participating as we are always looking for new volunteers. It is not necessary to have an interest in medical research but if you have some free time and enthusiasm or experience of a health condition we would appreciate your time. EMERGE greatly value the support of all members of the Patient Representative group and are always looking for more people to join.
If you are interested in finding out more about the EMERGE Patient Representative Group, please email the team on emerge@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk or call 0131 242 1284