Shona’s career in nursing started after qualifying from the University of Glasgow in 2018 with a 2:1 honours degree. She decided to take the opportunity to move to Edinburgh and took her first post in the surgical admissions unit at the Royal infirmary of Edinburgh (RIE) where she consolidated the foundations of nursing. After a couple of years, she heard that the RIE would be hosting the new Major Trauma Ward and this seemed like the perfect chance to embark on a new adventure. Whilst waiting on the new ward opening she worked within a variety of specialties such as cardiothoracic, orthopaedic, neurosurgery, high dependency and also emergency medicine. It was here that an interest in emergency medicine became apparent. After witnessing a number of her patients benefit from taking part in various research studies first-hand on the Major Trauma Ward, she decided to seek work within clinical research and joined the EMERGE team.
Shona has been impressed with the breadth of clinical research knowledge and experience that her colleagues have to share and feels privileged to be expanding the evidence base for emergency medicine as part of the EMERGE team.