Wednesday 22nd May – 13:00 – 14:00 hours
Lecture Theatre B, Chancellors Building, Little France
Milly Lo
Consultant Paediatric Intensivist / Research Lead for Paediatric Critical Care Medicine / NRS Career Research Clinician / Hon. Reader
University of Edinburgh
Panning the data stream for gold
Big data is generated during standard clinical care but yet this routinely generated big data is under-used for research and quality improvement. Data-intensive informatics improvement research in critical care accelerates discovery of novel and bespoke treatment options which may ultimately improve patient outcome, and health economics of critical care practices.
Dr. Lo is a consultant paediatric Intensivist and a NRS Career Research Clinician in NHS Lothian, and an Hon Reader at the Usher Institute and Child Life and Health at University of Edinburgh. Dr. Lo has set-up and is leading KidsBrainIT, an international multi-centre multi-disciplinary paediatric brain trauma data informatics initiative funded by an EU grant (ERA-NET NEURON Joint Translational Call 2016). In addition, Dr. Lo has founded and runs the first British multi-disciplinary data informatics paediatric critical care improvement research group (IMPACT-ACE). Dr Lo’s work has been supported by personal fellowships and awards via CSO’s NRS Career Research Fellowship (2013 to 2016), NHS Lothian R&D NRS Career Research Clinician Award (2016 onwards), MRC Proximity to Discovery grant (2018), MRC Precision Medicine PhD Studentship (2019 – 2022), Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity, UK Paediatric Intensive Care Society, Neuroscience Foundation, and the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation.