The results are in…
For the third year running EMERGE has distributed a questionnaire within the ED team, measuring attitudes and engagement of clinical staff to research and research nurses. The questionnaire uses a likert-type scale to acquire a ‘Clinical Engagement Score’ with the highest score being 70. In both 2015 and 2016, the score was high at 58. Excitingly, this has increased to 59 in 2017!
We had an excellent response rate of 112 within a variety of professions:
We were delighted to discover that 95% of the ED team believe the clinical research nurses fulfil an important role as part of the clinical care team. 82% of the team feel they participate in research activities, which is fabulous, and 100% believe patients should be given the opportunity to be involved in research. Interestingly, only 63% of the team felt that research is an essential part of their role – which is 69% of doctors and 58% of nurses surveyed.
In previous years, EMERGE and the ED set a challenge to the team to become 100% Research Active and we are getting closer to this goal. Two thirds of the respondents believe they are Research Active so hopefully by next year this will have increased even more!